Number of Canada Goose stores in Canada in 2024

Published on July 15, 2021 | Last updated on August 21, 2024

How many Canada Goose stores are there in Canada?

There are 179 Canada Goose stores in Canada as of August 21, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Canada Goose locations in Canada is Ontario, with 54 stores, which is about 30% of all Canada Goose stores in Canada.


How can I download a list of Canada Goose stores in Canada into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 179 Canada Goose locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 Provinces and Territories with the most Canada Goose stores


54 (30%)

A store for every 267,537 people, in Ontario with about 30% of the total number of Canada Goose stores


24 (13%)

A store for every 181,083 people, in Alberta with about 13% of the total number of Canada Goose stores


22 (12%)

A store for every 383,318 people, in Quebec with about 12% of the total number of Canada Goose stores

Province / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
Ontario 54 (30%) 14.45M 267.54K
Alberta 24 (13%) 4.35M 181.08K
Quebec 22 (12%) 8.43M 383.32K
Nunavut 19 (11%) 39.00K 2.05K
British Columbia 15 (8%) 5.02M 334.67K
Manitoba 12 (7%) 1.36M 113.33K
Saskatchewan 10 (6%) 1.17M 116.80K
Northwest Territories (4%) 45.00K 6.43K
Nova Scotia (3%) 965.00K 193.00K
Newfoundland and Labrador (3%) 524.00K 104.80K

There are no provinces and territories without Canada Goose stores in Canada

Cities with the most number of Canada Goose stores in Canada

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Toronto Ontario 16
Calgary Alberta 10
Vancouver British Columbia 9
Winnipeg Manitoba 6
Edmonton Alberta 6
Montreal Quebec 4
Ottawa Ontario 4
Saskatoon Saskatchewan 4
Halifax Nova Scotia 3
Quebec Quebec 3

Canada Goose vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Canada Goose   vs   Columbia Sportswear 1,351 (+1,172 locations than Canada Goose) 10 ( -3 states than Canada Goose) 418 (+304 cities than Canada Goose)
Canada Goose   vs   Spy Optic 370 (+191 locations than Canada Goose) 8 ( -5 states than Canada Goose) 205 (+91 cities than Canada Goose)
Canada Goose   vs   Tissot 194 (+15 locations than Canada Goose) 10 ( -3 states than Canada Goose) 105 ( -9 cities than Canada Goose)
Canada Goose   vs   Rickis 116 ( -63 locations than Canada Goose) 8 ( -5 states than Canada Goose) 79 ( -35 cities than Canada Goose)
Canada Goose   vs   Moores 109 ( -70 locations than Canada Goose) 10 ( -3 states than Canada Goose) 85 ( -29 cities than Canada Goose)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Canada Goose with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Canada Goose Locations in Canada

You can download the full list of Canada Goose locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Foreign Affair 5639 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3J 1G9 902-423-6676 44.6428438 -63.5781926 5639 Spring Garden Rd, Halifax, NS, B3J 1G9 Canada 2024-08-21
Canada Goose Banff 317 Banff Ave Banff AB T1L 1C1 587-287-5441 51.1788096 -115.5716669 317 Banff Ave, Banff, AB, T1L 1C1 Canada 2024-08-21
Northern/Northmart Split Lake Split Lake MB R0B 1P0 204-342-2260 56.25 -96.1 Split Lake, MB, R0B 1P0 Canada 2024-08-21
Harry Rosen - Chinook Centre (Mens Only) 1119 Macleod Trail Sw Chinook Centre Calgary AB T2H 0K8 403-252-2848 51.04203735 -114.058371 1119 Macleod Trail Sw Chinook Centre, Calgary, AB, T2H 0K8 Canada 2024-08-21
Holt Renfrew - Ogilvy (Ladies Only) 1307 Sainte-Catherine Street W Ogilvy Montreal QC H3G 1H9 514-842-5111 45.49967 -73.5787 1307 Sainte-Catherine Street W Ogilvy, Montreal, QC, H3G 1H9 Canada 2024-08-21
Coast Mountain Sports 309 Main Street Whitehorse YT Y1A 2B3 867-667-4495 60.71929224 -135.0544284 309 Main Street, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 2B3 Canada 2024-08-21
Take It Outside - Dartmouth 196 Hector Gate Dartmouth Crossing NS B3B 0E6 902-405-8688 44.70588377 -63.56130508 196 Hector Gate, Dartmouth Crossing, NS, B3B 0E6 Canada 2024-08-21
Holt Renfrew - Yorkdale (Ladies Only) 3401 Dufferin St Yorkdale Mall Toronto ON M6A 2T9 416-789-5377 43.72466 -79.45711 3401 Dufferin St Yorkdale Mall, Toronto, ON, M6A 2T9 Canada 2024-08-21
M.D. Charlton Co. Ltd. (Tactical & Industrial Dealer) Unit 103 - 66 Iber Road Stittsville ON K2S 1E8 613-599-3950 45.2787552 -75.9078187 Unit 103 - 66 Iber Road, Stittsville, ON, K2S 1E8 Canada 2024-08-21
E-Children (Kids Only) 130 71 Ave Se Calgary AB T2H 0R9 402-258-2332 50.9900821 -114.0689933 130 71 Ave Se, Calgary, AB, T2H 0R9 Canada 2024-08-21

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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